Tuesday, November 17, 2009

"Appetizers"- Puff Pastry 'Pinwheels' with Spinach-Corn-Ricotta Cheese Filling

Awesome Discovery:
Usually I never get to watch TV in the the mornings.....too busy doing other things.But last week, 'E' did not have to go to his nursery pretty much all last week.So,one morning after engaging him in 'Painting' activity,I turned on my favorite channel.....Food Network.It was Michael Chiarello's show and he was making these amazing little appetizers from Puffpastry stuffed with pesto and sundried tomatoes. He was folding the puffpastry into 'Pinwheels'. I thought they looked really cool and couldn't wait to try them out. I first tried the shape on a paper..just to make sure...I could get it right...
For the filling: I made a different filling though.....with Spinach,corn and ricotta and parmesan cheese. I was little skeptical whether my filling will taste good,whether the Ricotta will melt and ooze out,whether the frozen spinach will be too wet for the puffpastry......but no.....the Spinach-Corn-Ricotta Pinwheels came out PERFECT!!!
Crunchy on the outside....soft creamy filling on the inside.....JUST DELICIOUS!!! I would rate these as one of the best appetizers I ever had!
I was soooooo happy with myself yesterday....
When 'M' came back from work last evening....after seeing the pinwheels his reaction was...."WOW...they are soooo beautifull !!!
I took pictures as I was doing each step ....so everyone can try these out ASAP!

1 Sheet Pepperidge farm Puff pastry sheet
For the filling:
1/2 cup frozen spinach
1/4cup frozen corn kernels+ 1tbsp corn
1 tbsp Ricotta cheese
1/4cup grated parmesan cheese (gives nice nutty,salty taste)
1/4tsp garlic paste
1/4tsp black pepper
1tsp Bread crumbs (so soak extra liquid in the filling)
1 pinch nutmeg
1 pinch red pepper flakes
 Microwave the Spinach and Corn for 4 mins in the microwave untill thawed.Drain any excess liquid.Mix with the cheeses, black pepper, red pepper flakes, bread crumbs, garlic, nutmeg,salt etc.Keep refrigerated till ready to use.
1) Thaw the puffpastry as per packet directions. Cut the sheet into 9 squares.Cut each square on all the 4 corners diagonally about 1 inch in.

2) Place a spoonfull filling in the center of the square. Start folding each corner towards the center of the square,onto the filling. This is the pinwheel shape.
3) Press all the four folded corners neatly but gently into the center and press some corn kernels in the center.This helps in keeping the corners in place and looks pretty too!
4) Bake at 350 F for about 20 mins till the pinwheels turn crisp and golden brown.
5) Serve warm with Ketchup/Hot and sweet sauce. Enjoy the crisp flaky pastry with smooth creamy filling!

1) Puff pastrries are pretty versatile and can be filled with savory as well as sweet fillings.
Fruits cut up and mixed with ricotta cheese can be used as filling.For garnishing strawberries/cherries can be tucked in the center.
2) Cooked ground chicken spiced with garam masala and mint can be used as filling.Use 'cherry tomato' to tuck into the center.
3) Spiced potato filling with garam masala,mint,cumin with 'peas' tucked in the center.

The possibilities are endless.....lets explore them together....come...share your ideas!


  1. They look good...I'm thinking oven roasted tomatoes, black olives, anchovies and maybe some chilli pesto....Kitchenbutterfly.com

  2. Looks very beautiful and attractive...

  3. Thanks everyone!
    Roasted tomatoes, chili pesto sounds good!

  4. I tried it with pizza sauce n mushrooms as toppings :) turned out to be super yummm... checkout my space: www.cookingwithsj.com
