Wednesday, November 11, 2009

"Everyday Cooking"- Sweet Corn Soup

This whole week 'E' has no know what that means? Where to start......that means..constant need of attention, many water color paintings gone wild,crayon wrappers peeled and thrown all over, shoe closet coming down four times a day, searching for tiny cars all around the house, beeping of 'Choo-choo train' non stop, making and breaking LEGO cars, hearing 'mumma mumma' after every minute, reading all the books over and over again and answering same questions over and over,and..........................
 the list goes on.....
Since he started school, I have noticed, he is demanding more attention from me when he is at home. At school they constantly engage them in activities and play.So he has gotten used to being 'busy' and playing with others.So at all comes down to me! I have to play, jump, read, sing.....all when he wants!
Haha....that's the fun of being a mom! I love it ....but you know sometimes....I feel exerted due to this 'NON STOP' action mode!!!
So today, since it was 'Veterans Day' holiday for all schools, we had arranged a playdate for 'E' and couple of his friends. Just imagine that.....3 toddlers running around the house and having a 'gala' time! God save us!
For lunch I had planned a simple menu of Sweet Corn soup, Vegetable fried rice and some Samosas (filling and dough left over from yesterday). The kids loved the soup....especially because of the 'sweet corn' .
The samosas did not come out as crispy as the other day.Don't know why?
Here is the recipe for Sweet corn soup:
2cups Whole Sweet Corn kernel (frozen)
2tsp Corn starch mixed in some water to make paste
2tsp Soy sauce
1/4tsp Black pepper
1/4tsp Ginger garlic paste
1/4tsp Red chili paste
1/2tsp Sugar
1/2tsp Maggie hot and Sweet sauce
2tbsp Green onions + leaves sliced diagonally
1tsp oil
3-4 cupsWater

1) Heat 1 tsp oil,fry the ginger garlic paste for few seconds,Add the frozen corn kernels.Saute for 2 mins.
2) Add water,let it simmer
3) Add the corn starch,black pepper, all the sauces, sugar, salt etc.Let simmer till the soup thickens a little due to corn starch.The soup should be semi-transperant and taste mildly hot and sweet at the sametime.
4) Turn off the heat.Add the green onions and leaves.
5) Serve hot and enjoy the UMAMI!

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