Tuesday, November 24, 2009

"Everyday Cooking"- Whole wheat Veggie+Paneer Frankies/Wraps

'A' mentioned yesterday about the chicken frankies she made for sunday night dinner....and here I was drooling with the thought...and couldn't wait to bite into one!
When me and my sister were in school,our parents would take us to 'Pune Camp' during Christmas to see the festivities.It is here that we had our first 'frankie'. It was a flour tortilla with egg coating wrapped around spicy chicken and onion....it was just yummmm! They serve it sizzling hot along with raw onions.Just mouthwatering and a 'all -in -one' meal too!
There are many types of frankies -either with chicken/meat filling or veggie or paneer filling.It is a very famous street food in 'Mumbai'.
Since then, my mom would always make it for us at home....and she had added her 'own touch' to it. Here is how she makes veggie frankies.She uses mixed veggies to make the filling. The chapati/tortilla is smeared with tangy-spicy-sweet mint chutney.The roll is warmed up on a flat pan/tava with a little butter on top!

For the Chapatis/Tortillas/Wrap
They are usually made with 'All purpose flour' and little whole wheat flour added to it.But my mom and hence me.... prefer to use the 'whole wheat flour'.
1 cup Whole wheat flour (if you want all pupose flour add 1/2 cup whole wheat flour+1/2 cup all purpose flour)
2tsp oil
Mix flour,oil , salt and knead into a soft dough with water.
Roll out the dough into circle thin chapatis/tortillas.Roast lightly on hot flat pan/tava.The chapati will finish roasting after the filling is filled.

For the filling:
1/4 cup finely chopped cabbage
1/4 cup finely chopped cauliflower
1/4cup finely chopped carrots
1tbsp finely chopped capsicum/green pepper
1tbsp corn kernels
1 boiled mashed potato
1/4 cup chopped paneer
1 onion finely chopped
1 onion sliced ( to garnish)
1/2tsp Ginger garlic paste
1/2tsp chili powder
1/4tsp garam masala
1/8tsp Chaat masala
Heat oil in a skillet.Add the ginger garlic paste,onion.Fry for 2 mins.Add the rest of the veggies,paneer and fry again till the veggies are cooked through.
Add the salt, chili powder, garam masala,chat masala etc and mix.

For Mint chutney:
1/4 cup mint paste
1/8cup jaggery
1/2tsp tamarind extract
1/4tsp chili powder
1/4tsp cumin-corainder powder
1/4tsp crushed garlic
Mix everything together and make into a smooth paste.The chutney should be 'Tangy-spicy-sweet'.

Assembly of the frankie:
You can brush the chapatis with beaten egg mixture to give a 'egg coating'. I did not use egg for this one and kept it 'vegetarian'.
1) Take 1 chapati, apply spoonfull of mint chutney on all sides.
2) Add 2-3 spoons of the above filling.Place few slices of raw onions on top.
3) Roll into 'cigar' shape by tucking the ends as you roll.The roll will be nice and tight and the filling will not drop out.
4) On a flat pan,heat a dab of butter/oil. Place the frankie roll on it (the seam side down) Roast till golden brown.Carefully turn on the other side and roast again
5) Serve hot with Ketchup/ hot and sweet sauce/ raw onion slices/ green pepper slices etc.