Friday, February 4, 2011

"Sweet Treats"- Vanilla Sponge Cake with Butter-Cream frosting little girl "A" ( is 7 months old already!!! Time really was like we just got her home from the hospital and she is 7 months already! When she was born I had decided that every month we will celebrate her 'month birthday' and I will bake a cake of that months birthday number. Now because of the long hospitalization and all that worrying and tensions, I wasn't able to do as I had wished for. But this month...I DID!!!

I found this really awesome recipe online on the 'CAKE BOSS' website. Now usually, I am not a 'spoon-by-spoon' baker.Meaning I always have this habit of modifying the recipe and then bake.But this time I decided to follow the recipe Spoon by spoon, step by step and  minute by minute. And VIOLA! the cake was D- LI- CIOUSSS!
Here is the link to the recipe:

I did not do a good job of taking great pics...but believe me, for the amount of butter in the recipe, The cake came out really soft-spongy and moist.

 Same recipe, just poured it in muffin pan and baked Cuppy Cakes for Big Bro 'E'.

For the icing:
1/2 cup Unsalted butter
1- 1and1/2 cups powdered sugar
1 tbsp heavy cream
few drops vanilla essence
Food coloring
1) Thaw the butter at room temperature
2) Add sugar,cream and vanilla and beat in a electric mixer till fluffy and well blended.
3) Add food coloring if you want it colored
4) Decorate the cake with icing gun and add sprinkles.(Cake should be cooled before icing)
Tip: I like to spray sugar syrup (1/2 cup water+1/2cup sugar----boil for 7-10 mins ---cool) on the cake to keep it moist before frosting the cake.
5) Store the cake at cool temperature.
6) Yumm Yumm Yumm!

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