Monday, April 30, 2012

"Pat a Cake"- Zebra Cake with Chocolate Whipped Cream frosting

It was 'M's birthday , and like every year...I wanted to bake a special cake for him. I knew ...he loves the Zebra cake ( there is still a kid in him!!) and I didn't have to think much on what to make.
I decided to frost the cake with a Chocolate whipped cream frosting as I had wanted to try it out for so long.

The cake I baked was from the recipe I found here on AZ Cookbook:
I did everything as the recipe said ...except I added 2tbsp powdered sugar to the 'cocoa batter' ( last time i tried was less sweet for my taste)

For Extra Moistness-
*****Once the cake was baked, I let it cool and spray it with Sugar-vanilla syrup to make it extra moist and delicious
Boil 3/4 cup water with 1/3 cup sugar for 8 mins. Let it cool.Add 1/2 tsp vanilla essence.Spray with a spray bottle on the cake and let it soak for 40-50 mins before frosting the cake.

Chocolate Whipped Cream frosting:

The icing tasted heavenly!!! But it was a lot thinner/softer to make good icing patterns.
Next time I am going to try the gelatin in the icing to make it sturdier....

I grated/ shaved some Dark chocolate onto the cake to give it that extra chocolaty taste and pretty look!
Garnished the cake with a fresh strawberry.

'M" loveddddd the cake and it was gone in no time...

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