Monday, June 18, 2012

"Appetizers"- Red Bell Pepper and Broccoli Pinwheels

Little kids love colorful finger foods....They love these tiny pinwheels with tasty, so colorful, with their favorite cream cheese and so easy to handle for their Teeny-Tiny fingers!!
These were one of the snacks for 'E'' and 'A's Dinosaur themed birthday party last week.
These pinwheels are so can put almost anything in cream cheese and roll these up!
I have had...Spinach-Jalapeno pinwheels, Black beans and Salsa pinwheels, Onion and green chili pinwheels.....and they all tasted delicious!!!
I went ..the colorful route..I used the vibrant Red Bell Pepper and the fresh Green Broccoli!!!Together they looked so pretty in the white cream cheese and the tortillas background...
8 white/wheat tortillas

Veggie Cream Cheese
1(8oz) package of Philadelphia plain cream cheese
3/4 cup finely chopped red bell pepper
3/4 cup finely chopped broccoli
1tsp ginger-garlic paste
1/2 tsp cumin
1/2 tsp red chili powder
2tsp olive oil

1) Heat 2tsp olive oil.Add cumin,ginger garlic paste, red pepper,broccoli and salt.Saute till tender and cooked.Let it cool.
2) Bring cream cheese to room temperature.Mix red chili powder and the sauteed veggies.Mix well
3) Spread a spoonful of cream cheese-veggie mixture on the tortilla.Roll tightly into a roll.
4) Roll the Tortillas rolls and chill in refrigerator till ready to serve.
5) Cut each roll horizontally into 6 pieces. Serve at room temperature.


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