Thursday, June 7, 2012

"Sweet Treats"- Butternut Squash Sheera

I love making 'traditional' foods with a new twist. I think, 'Changes' in the daily routine are welcomed by all. Similarly a traditional favorite with a new twist is surely loved by the crowd. Apart from that, if you can improve the nutrition value in dish all means----- Do it!!! I used to take 'E' to a playgroup when he was little. It was pretty much a international playgroup with moms and kids from many countries. A Turkish friend had baked a cake as snack for the kids. You know what was in there?????? It was a Plain vanilla sponge cake with finely chopped Spinach!!!!! And believe was WOW!!!!
So, last week I made this Sheera for the 'Mantra Mugdha Assemblage" at our house. The 'pumpkiny' taste was not that apparent....and they didn't guess the Butternut Squash in it.But everyone tasted different but Delicious!!! Also, the orange hue that the butternut squash imparted to the Sheera...... was gorgeous!
1 Cup grated Butternut Squash
1 Cup Sooji/Rava
1/2 cup + 1 tsp butter/Ghee p
3/4 cup Sugar
1tsp Cardamom powder
1/2tsp nutmeg powder
1 Cup Milk
1 cup Water
Raisins for the garnish

1) In 1tsp Ghee, saute the grated butternut squash till tender and cooked. Keep aside
2) Warm the milk and water together
3) Roast the sooji in 1/2 cup butter/ milk till very light golden color.
4) Add the warm milk, water and sauteed butternut squash. Keep lid and cook till the Sooji cooks.
5) Add the sugar, cardamom powder, nutmeg powder and mix. Again keep lid and let it steam for 2-4 mins.
6) Form into molds and garnish with raisins and nuts if you like!


  1. innovative ........ glad to follow , you too visit mine in your spare time

    sara's tasty buds

    1. I am glad you liked it!!! Thanks for visiting TheSizzlingPan:)
