Thursday, October 11, 2012

Sweet Upwas Pattice/ Potato-Coconut Sweet Pattice

Last week, "M' was away on a tour and like always... me and the kids were bored. I had invited a friend for lunch and keep us company. She had a upwas/ fast on that day.Now, I haven't  experimented much with Upwas I hardly keep any Upwas.But I LOVE Upwas food..Sago Khichadi, Potato peanut bhaji, Sweet potato kees.....I love all that!! As a kid..I would wait impatiently for my mom to keep Upwas so that I could get to eat all of these!!
That day...I did try some different dishes...On the menu was.....Sweet Potato kees, Varyachya tandul dosa with peanut chutney,Kutchi beer ( and these Sweet tasting Potato pattice stuffed with coconut-cashews and raisin filling.It was a fulfilling, delicious and satisfying meal from start to finish!!

3 medium potatoes boiled and mashed well
3tsp sugar
Ghee for shallow frying

1 cup fresh grated coconut/frozen coconut
1/2 cup sugar( add more for sweeter taste)
1/4 cup jaggery
1tsp poppy seeds
1/2tsp cardamon powder
1/4tsp nutmeg powder
1/4 cup cashew and raisins
1tsp ghee

1) To the well mashed potatoes add 3tsp sugar and knead well.
2) Heat 1tsp ghee in a pan, add the coconut, jaggery and sugar and cook for 5-8 mins, till all the sugar melts and the mixture thickens.
3) Add the remaining ingredients to the filling.
4) Make lemon size balls of the potato. Flatten them and make a well in the center. Place a tsp of the sweet coconut. Cover from all sides with the potato filling.
5) Shallow fry on ghee till golden from both sides.

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