Monday, November 16, 2009

"Fusion Cuisine"- Chinese Vegetable Pasta

"Fusion Cooking/Cuisine" is created sometimes....for 'innovation' and sometimes just for 'convenience'.
The examples of "Convenience Fusion Cooking" will be -using Wonton wrappers/Pie crust to make Samosas, using Ricotta cheese to make Pedhas, using Spaghetti to make Chinese Noodles etc etc....
We learn to create and work with whatever ingredients we have...and make something that we have either never eaten before or make something we always make but with just.... new ingredients.
One of my friends, who is actually not very much into 'cooking' makes this "Poha Pasta"! What he does is....he makes the recipe for the Poha with onions, mustard,cumin,turmeric etc..but adds cooked pasta instead of Poha!And it tastes good! Another recipe I read was about using 'macaroni' in daal to make the typical Maharashtrian 'Varan Phala".How innovative is that!
So....this weekend was 'Childrens Day"...November 14.There was a party for this occasion and we all were supposed to bring in something for lunch.I was wondering what to make...what kids will like...etc etc.
I was planning to make Chinese fried rice (because kids usually like the 'mild flavors" and colorfull veggies in this rice), but got to know that 3 other people were making some kind of rice as well. Then I thought,why not make Chinese Pasta???  Kids love pasta......and it will have all the flavors/sauces/ingredients of Chinese fried rice and the same colorfull veggies! Also, at social occasions eating in paper plates,with plastic spoons, holding the plate in one hand and becomes hard to tackle foods like Noodles or Saucy curries/ Gravies etc. Short cut pastas( like Rotini/Fusili,Penne etc) done relatively 'unsaucy', in my opinion, best.Everyone(including kids) can enjoy eating those with a fork without much hassle. Here is the recipe for my "Chinese Pasta" .I did exactly everything as I would do for 'Vegetable Fried Rice"....but added Pasta instead of rice.That was it ....the marriage of Italy and China for 'my convenience'!
3 cups Short Cut Pasta of your Choice(I like Rotini because of its shape)
1/4cup Onion cut into bite size pieces
1/4cup Green Pepper
1/4cup Red Bell Pepper
1/4cup Carrots
1/4cup Broccoli
1tbsp Corn kernels
1tbsp Green peas
1tbsp Green onion leaves/spring onions for garnish
1/2tsp Ginger garlic paste
1/2tsp Soy sauce
1/2tsp Hot and sweet sauce
1/4tsp ground chili paste
1/4tsp black pepper
1/4tsp sugar
2tsbsp Roasted Cashews

1) Boil pasta in salted water till cooked (about 10 mins).Drain and keep aside.
2) In a Wok or big pan, heat some oil, add the ginger garlic paste and all the veggies.Saute for 2 mins on high flame.This will help in keeping the veggies 'crisp' and not soggy.
3) Add the cooked pasta,all the sauces,spices and mix.
4) Turn off the flame and garnish with spring onions and roasted cashews.
5) Enjoy the Chinese Flavored pasta warm or at room temp!


  1. Looks extremely your yum recipes...will visit again to check some yummylicious recipes...keep rocking....

  2. Sounds great! I am all about fusion cooking, it's a staple in my kitchen. Welcome to the blogroll :) I like your blog title.

  3. First time here....Chinese veg pasta looks colourful and delicious...Following uuuuuuu.

  4. Looks good.....I remember aai would make pohe pasta with loads of cheese in India....

  5. i love your blog.
    i want to try the samosas......... !!
