Friday, May 21, 2010

"Sweet Treats"- Biscotti with Oats and Nuts

I love baking goodies at home.Especially Biscottis, Scones etc which we can have with our afternoon tea. Baking at home gives me the satisfaction....that I know what's exactly going in there and how much of it...I can cater the recipe to myself..make it less sweet, use less butter, add ingredients that my family likes etc etc .....
Now, I made up this recipe of Biscotti with Oats...not because 'Oats' is my families favorite...but to make them eat some oats!!! I like oats and have it for breakfast daily...but 'M' and 'E' are not oat fans at all...
These Biscottis have 'oats' and 'nuts' and are (may be) a little better for you than the ones with only 'all purpose' flour. And they tasted soooo good....crunchy, nuttier with perfect sweetness.

2 cups all purpose flour
1 cup oatmeal (quick cooking oats)
1 cup sugar (adjust to taste)
3 large eggs
½ cup chopped roasted walnuts and almonds
4tbsp butter+1 tsp butter
2tbsp Cool whip topping
2tsp baking powder
2 pinches salt

1) Coarsely grind the oatmeal. Add 1 tsp butter and roast in microwave for 2 – 3 mins.
2) Beat 3 large eggs. Add softened (room temperature) butter and cool whip topping. Whip all together.
3) Add the all purpose flour, oatmeal, sugar, baking powder, chopped nuts, salt etc and make into dough.
4) Pre heat oven to 350 F
5) Roll the dough into two ‘logs’ on a greased baking sheet.
6) Bake on greased baking sheet for 20-25 mins , until lightly brown.

7) Cool the logs for 15-20 mins.
8) Slice the logs horizontally, to make ‘Biscottis’.

9) Bake the Biscottis again at 350F for 15-20 mins until crisp.
Enjoy the crunchy, nutty Biscottis with your tea or coffee..