Tuesday, March 1, 2011

"Fusion Cuisine"- Tofu Tikka Panini

'Panino'/Panini' in Italian means 'small bread rolls'. They are filled with cheese, ham, salami etc and sometimes grilled.The bread is usually ciabatta or rosetta.
In the quest of 'What to make for dinner'...I put together this sandwich.I used what I had on hand thus creating a 'Indianized grilled Panini'.
1 loaf Italian bread

For Tofu Tikka:
(This recipe will work great with Paneer too)
1 pkg 'extra firm' tofu drained and dried with paper towels
1 tsp yogurt
1tsp Kitchen king masala/Tikka masala
1/2tsp ginger garlic paste
1/2tsp chili powder(add more for spicy tikka)
1tsp Maggie hot and sweet sauce
1 tsp chopped cilantro
2tsp corn starch

For the toppings:
1/2 cup Sliced onions
1/2 cup Sliced green peppers
1/4 cup Broccoli florets
Black pepper
Slices of Pepper jack/Jalapeno jack Cheese
Slices of tomatoes

1)Tofu Tikka: Mix together yogurt, kitchen king masala, chili powder, ginger-garlic paste, salt, hot and sweet sauce. Cut Tofu into bite size pieces.rub corn starch on the tofu.Marinate with the above sauce.
Keep aside for 1/2hr
2) Saute the marinated tofu in non stick pan till golden brown on all sides.Keep aside.

3) Saute onions,green pepper and broccoli with little oil, salt and pepper.Keep aside.
4) Cut the italian bread horizontally. Apply butter on the inside.
5) Lay slices of cheese, sauted onions,green pepper, broccoli and then tofu tikka and tomato slices.Add more cheese if you like.

6) Grill the sandwich on a hot grill pan with little oil. Press with heavy pan to get the 'pressed panini' or use a 'Panini Press'
Serve hot!

                              Enjoy the 'crusty' Panini with its Spicy Tofu tikka filling!

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