Friday, August 26, 2011

"Everyday Cooking"- Mint Pulav

Who/ What inspired your cooking today???
For me, my cooking is inspired by my environment and the people around me.I call up home, my mom tells me that she had cooked 'Chicken' for I make plans to make chicken for dinner!!!
When we were in NY, my close friends were from southern India. So many a times our meals were--south Indian food...idlis, dosas, sambar various kinds of rices....Ohh how I miss 'V' and 'P''s delicious cooking :(
Nonetheless,they still inspire my cooking!!! The other day I had called up 'P'....while talking I heard the mixie go on....I asked her what she was making....she said 'Mint Pulav'....couple days later....this is what we had for dinner.......MINT PULAV!!!

 2 cups Cooked basmati rice (cook the rice with water and salt and then fluff up with a fork to get 'individual' separate grains)
 1/2 cup Mint + green chilies puree ( wash 1 cup mint leaves and puree in a blender along with 2-3 green chilies) Use less if you want 'milder' minty taste.

 1/2th cup sliced onions
 1/4th cup sliced tomatoes
 1/4th cup sliced potatoes
 2tbsp Cashews
 3-4 cloves
1tsp Cumin
1tsp chopped garlic
2tbsp oil

1) After cooking the basmati rice, fluff it with fork and spread on a  big plate to separate the grains.
2) Saute cumin, potatoes, onions, tomatoes, cashews,garlic in oil.
3) Add the cooked rice, little salt, mint puree.

4) Mix gently. The rice has a nice 'green' color
5) Serve hot along with cool onion+ tomatoes raita or Cucumber raita

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