Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Everyday Cooking"- Quick and Easy-- Apple Pickle

"Quick and Easy" are the key words of my "Everyday Cooking" lately.....
With two little kids's already a  handful! Anything 'extra'....festivals, potlucks, parties, guests, doctor visits, tonsillectomies,colds..runny noses......and I am EXHAUSTEDDDD...With all this, all I can manage cooking is...just plain Chapati,Bhaji, Bhat and Amti.
But today there was a potluck and along with the 'Curry" that I was supposed to make, I made this 'quick-easy-and delicious' Apple pickle. I had it once at "A's house. Her mother- in- law had prepared it and I had absolutely loved it!!!!
There are some people...whom you visit and every time you learn something new from's the case with "A's mom-in law.She is so brilliant in cooking and making so many different things.So.. is my friend "M"...she always has some new food, or some new tips and always 'wow's me!!!

1 Gala Apple
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/4tsp Turmeric
1/4tsp chili powder
1/2tsp salt
1tsp lemon juice
1/8th tsp Asafoetida(hing)
1tsp oil

1) Cut the apple into small cubes.leave the skin on.It gives nice 'red' back to each cube.
2) Apply salt and lemon juice to the cubes. to stop them from becoming 'brown' due to maillard reaction.
3) Heat the oil, add mustard seeds (let them crackle). Add the turmeric and hing.
4) Pour over the cubed apple
5) Add chili powder.Mix and serve.
6) Refrigerate any leftovers.