Monday, March 12, 2012

"Pat a Cake"- Eggless Strawberry Cake

"Fresh Strawberries and Cream"...remember that??? I am sure you must have had that in Mahabaleshwar!!! I was thinking on the same lines....

Strawberry cake.....with creamy....Condensed milk! How good will that taste? Sweet Very Berry heaven ..on the plate!!
The only thing missing was ....fresh whipped cream to top the cake...(I didn't have any in the fridge...but you sure remember to top this cake with the whipped cream!!!)

1 and 1/2 cup All Purpose flour
3/4th cup sugar
1/2tsp salt
1tsp baking soda
1tsp vanilla extract
1/3rd cup Canola oil
1tbsp vinegar (Add just few drops less than prevents that 'vinegar' taste)
1/2 cup Cold water
1/2 cup Sweet Condensed milk
8 fresh strawberries chopped finely and macerated in 4tsp sugar
Some strawberries for garnish
Whipped topping(optional)

1) Finely cut 8 strawberries into cubes.Add 4tsp sugar.Macerate for 30 mins.
2)Preheat the oven to 350F (preheating is very imp). Grease the 8 inch round pan with vegetable shortening. Apply liberally in all corners.Dust with all purpose flour to coat the pan.
3)First sift flour, sugar separately.Then by a spoon add to the measuring cup to measure exact amounts.Level with a knife.DO NOT pack the flour into the cup.The ratios will change and the cake will not come out as good.
3) Mix wet and dry ingredients in separate bowls. Then mix them together.Add the macerated strawberries.

 4) Mix them together in a single direction.Bubbles will appear as vinegar reacts with baking soda.Do not over- mix.But all the lumps should be gone
5) Bake in preheated oven for 20-25 mins.Do not open the door for first 20 mins atleast.
6) Check with a tooth pick, if the cake is done.The inserted toothpick should come out clean. Cut the cake after cooling.

7) Flip on a serving platter carefully and serve with fresh strawberries and whipped cream topping(optional)

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