Monday, June 25, 2012

"Everyday cooking"- Peach-Cranberry Chunda/ Hot and Sweet Pickle

Peaches....Peaches....Lottsss of them!!! We went Peach picking yesterday...and came home with a box full of peaches!! I froze some...kept some fresh for eating....and turned few into this tongue teaser.....Hot and Sweet 'Peach-Cranberry Chunda'!!! a Sweet-Tangy-Hot...Mango Pickle. I love love love it!!!
I am a BIG fan of "Hot-Sweet-Sour' kind of taste.... Tamarind-Jaggery Chutney.....Maggie Hot and Sweet Chili Sauce......Hot and Sour soup.....Chunda Pickle....are my favorites!!!
So the gorgeous ..juicy sour peaches ....were paired with sugar..chili powder and other spices....and turned into a mouthwatering Chunda.

4 Firm Peaches (Not fully Ripe)
1/4 Cup dried Cranberries
1/2 Cup Sugar
2 Tbsp Salt
1tsp Turmeric
1-2 tsp Chili powder
1 tsp Roasted Cumin
1/2tsp Methi Seeds
1/2tsp Mustard seeds
1tsp oil
2 pinch Hing
1tbsp Lemon juice

1) Peel the peaches. Cut into small pieces. In a mixing bowl,add the salt,1/2 tsp turmeric and mix. Let it sit for 30 mins.The salt will draw out all the moisture from the peaches.
2) dry roast the cumin seeds. When cool, grind into coarse powder.
3) After 30 mins have passed, drain the juice from peaches.Hand in muslin cloth/ strainer till all the juice runs out.
4) Mix the sugar with the peaches.Add lemon juice.
5) In a heavy bottom pan, heat the oil.Add the mustard seeds, hing and methi seeds.Let them splutter.Add the turmeric.Add the sugar-peach mixture and the dried cranberries.
6) Low on medium flame till the sugar is syrupy..(about 10 mins).Test the sugar syrup get 'one string' consistency.(Take out small amount of syrup.Blow on it to cool it. Now place  drop between thumb and forefinger and stretch apart.If it's one's the correct consistency)
Mine went a bit the Chunda is bit darker in color and bit thicker than it should be.
So keep an eye on it and stir constantly!!!!
7) TAKE OFF the heat. Add the chili powder, ground cumin .Mix.
8) Let it cool before keeping it in a sterile bottle.

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