Wednesday, June 20, 2012

'Sweet Treats"- Sugar Cookie truffles in Ice cream cones

Kids love all that sweet..chocolaty and looks like...ICE CREAM!!!  I had tried .."Cake Pops" before..and had thought that they were too labor intensive. First of bake a gorgeous cake..then you break it and mash it make pops .And....It's hard to get those pops to stay on lollipop sticks.
My friend 'A' had made 'Oreo Truffles" for her son's birthday. On the similar lines...I tried these Sugar cookie Truffles ( Because I had quite a few Sugar cookies in the pantry!!)
They were very very easy..believe me! Crush..Mix....Roll..Chill...Assemble...DONE!!

20 Store bought Plain Sugar Cookies (Or bake your own sugar cookies.Do not let them brown!!)
3tbsp Cream cheese
1tbsp Vanilla frosting

10 Small size (Kids cones) ice cream cones

1 cup Chocolate chips
Cookie Icing
M and M's

1) Crush the sugar cookies in a blender till coarse powdered.Bring cream cheese to room temperature.
2) Mix the room temperature cream cheese and icing with the powdered cookies. Roll into small balls to fit onto the small size ice cream cones.

3) Refrigerate the  for 30 mins.
 4) Melt the Chocolate chips in a double boiler or microwave. Drizzle on the truffles in desired patterns.
5) Decorate with Sprinkles, M and M's and cookie icing

6) Refrigerate the truffles..till ready to serve.  To serve...simply place the Truffles on top of the cone!

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