Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Eggless Custard Fruit Tart

A recipe...long due to be written. Finally, here it is!! I never had a 'tart' pan before. The other day at Target...I found this colorful cool looking one! It has a removable bottom...which is perfect!!

So, this tart was going to be a 'dessert' for a friends birthday party...and many of them happen to be 'vegetarian'...and so I was hunting for 'Eggless' Tart recipes.Where else do you find a good baking recipe???....My favorite 'go to' site:

Shortbread crust:
I baked the crust, just like how they tell to...there is even a video for it. It comes out so buttery and will just melt in your mouth!!
The only think I changed was the baking temperature: I baked the crust at 350F for 20-22 mins (The pan had those instructions)

Custard filling:
This one..I made up.Just like the custard made with 'custard powder', in the 'fruit salad with custard is similar ...just needs to be 'thicker'.
2 Cups whole milk
4tbsp Custard powder
4tbsp sugar
1/2tsp vanilla extract
4tbsp cream cheese(optional- if you want a little 'tart' flavor)

1)Mix the custard powdered with 1/2 cup milk and mix till smooth and all lumps are gone.
2) Heat the remaining milk. When it is warm, slowly add the custard powder mixed with milk.Stir continuously on medium-low flame till it thicken up.
3) Add the sugar and mix.Boil more for couple mins.Stir constantly till thick.Add vanilla extract and mix. Take off the flame. Let it cool completely. Stir after every few mins, when it is cooling.It will thicken more.
4) Meanwhile bring the cream cheese to room temperature.Whisk it into smooth paste.Add to the cooled custard and whisk till well incorporated.
5) Pour the cooled custard into the baked cooled tart. Smoothen it with a spoon. Chill in the refrigerator covered till ready to decorate with fruits.

Fruits: (of your choice. More colorful the better!)
mandarin oranges
You can decorate the tart in any pattern. Fill the tart with fruits.Do this few hours before ready to serve.Chill in the refrigerator,covered with plastic wrap.

You can glaze the cut up fruit with 'sugar syrup' or apricot/ or any other fruit preserves.This will prevent the fruits from drying up and they will appear fresh for longer!

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