Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Vanilla Cake with Strawberry jelly filling and "Shaggy mum' flower design

Where have I disappeared?? Well.....meet the new Research Associate at Indiana University!!! Yes...going 'back' to work after 5 year long 'maternity' break! 
As you can guess, the passion that kept me 'busy' and 'motivated' all through the 5 years...will take a bit of a back seat now...and you won't see me blogging as before,but I will be cooking sizzling food and posting whenever possible. I hope you understand and keep visiting TheSizzlingPan as you always have:) 

Last week we celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary and I baked this cake specially for the big day!

I was looking for a Vanilla cake recipe...with oil instead of butter and I found a good one here:

I baked the cakes( 2 round, 8 inch cakes) as directed.Made some butter cream icing in white and light green color.
In between the 2 cakes, I applied a layer of strawberry jelly/ jam.

Frosted the cakes with green icing. I made the shaggy mum flowers with stiff white icing. The final touch was the 'edible pearls' sprinkled on the flowers.

 What was on the menu for our Anniversary day???  We 'relived' our BIG day by recreating our 'Lagnacha menu'/ Wedding day menu on the 10th Anniversary:)

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