Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Vermicelli Frittata

I was going to make my usual favorite 'Mushroom-Olives-Cherry tomato Vermicelli with Garlic-olive oil and Parmesan cheese". But just as I was about to open the pack of Vermicelli....I noticed this 'Vermicelli Fritta' recipe on the box. Couldn't wait to try it out!
Frittata is a Italian Style stove top/ skillet omelet. Many variations in the ingredients are possible.I modified the recipe from the box to suit my taste.

2 handful Vermicelli pasta boiled according to package direction and cooled
1 Cup Sliced Mushrooms and grape tomatoes
1/2 cup sliced olives
1/2 cup shredded cheese
1/2 cup Parmesan cheese
5 eggs
2tbsp olive oil
1tsp finely chopped garlic
1tsp red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp ground black pepper

1) Heat the olive oil, add the garlic,pepper flakes,vegetables, salt and saute for 1-2 mins Let it cool
2) Beat the eggs and add black pepper and salt.
3) Preheat the oven to 375F
4) Spray a baking tray with cooking spray.Mix the boiled pasta, eggs,cheese and vegetables.Mix them together.

4) Pour the mixture into the baking tray.Bake for about 20 mins or until nicely set
5) Cut into wedges and serve hot

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