Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Pea-Lafel (Peas and Mukimame falafels)

Around the World in 30 Weekends!! The segment I wished to complete by cooking a dish from 30 different countries on 30 weekends.It is going slow for sure...but I am sure I will get there someday:))

Here are my other culinary travels:

So here is Weekend Number 8:: Israel....and the famous street food from there.. "Falafels"

A friend had mentioned this recipe and how super tasty it is.I tried it over the long weekend and it made a wonderful dinner!!

 In my little research..I found a interesting fact....we have been calling soybeans all wrong!! We called all tender green soybeans..Edamame right??? But actually...
Edamame: When young soybeans are still in the pod
Mukimame: Shelled soybeans without the pods (So here I used Mukimame)

The recipe was adapted from:

Here are the changes I made:

No Fenugreek seeds
Add 1/2 cup Feta cheese
Add some red chili powder
Shallow fry after rolling in all purpose flour

Served here with a Whole wheat and Oats Pita bread...on a bed of spinach,tomatoes, sliced onion and topped with yogurt sauce.

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