Monday, August 13, 2012

" Around the World in 30 Weekends"- Weekend 7- China:: Chinese Mango Sago Pudding

I missed my 'Culinary' travel around the world for so long!! Finally, got to write this post about the new dessert I tried at home. It was my friend "M's surprise birthday party and the menu decided was "Chinese".
Since, the noodles, fried rice, stir fries are not new anymore and we make them so often....and  since I was to make a dessert....I decided to try out this Chinese Mango Sago Pudding. Traditionally, this pudding is made with both Mango and Pomelo (a citrus fruit). Since I didn't have any Pomelo...I just did the Mango version.
Now, 'Sago Kheer"/ Sabudanyachi kheer is a typical food for religious fasts in Maharashtra,India. I am not a big fan of that kheer, but I decided to try this one out anyways.
I wouldn't say, I will make this one again and again....but it was worth trying once. But, all you Sago and Mango lovers...worth a shot! And it can serve as a variation to the usual Sago kheer too!

2 Cups soaked sago (soak sago overnight in water.Add as much water as to cover the sago plus a little more)
1/2 cup Sweet condensed milk
1 cup mango pulp(I used the Kesar mango pulp)
1/2 cup Whole milk
1 Cup cubed Mango pieces
1/2tsp cardamom powder(optional)
Sugar if needed

1) In a pan, heat 2 and 1/2 cups water.Bring to a boil.
2) Add the soaked sago to the water and cook while stirring. Cook till the sago turns translucent. Add more water if too thick.
3) Take off the heat and let it cool. Add the mango pulp, condensed milk, milk, mango pieces etc. Add more milk to adjust to desired consistency. Add sugar if not sweet enough.
4) Chill in refrigerator.Garnish with sliced Mangoes before serving.

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