Monday, August 13, 2012

"Sweet Treats"- Quick and Easy Mango Pedhas

My little 'A' turned TWO!!!! Like all mothers say...I am going to say...YES the time flies suppperrr fast!!! Still remember the day ....minute by minute....all that nervousness, that anxiety, that joy...those tears...those hugs...those teeny tiny toes...each and every thing is still fresh in my mind...and I hope it never fades!!!

So my little 'A' is still Teeny Tiny and not a big eater. She eats small portions and feeding her is a challenge. But just before her birthday we had been to a friends place.When my friend offered these Pedhas made my her mom in law...'A' readily took it and finished it!!! It was great joy for the mom in me!!
The very next was her birthday and I made these for her...
They are super quick...3-5 minute Pedhas.....good protein due to the milk powder and amazingly tasty!!!

Ingredients:  Makes 20 or more small Pedhas
Note: Since the brand of milk powder, microwave oven, the glassware you use differs--- the cooking time and the amount of milk powder might have to be increased!!
1/2 stick Unsalted butter (at room temperature)
1 and 1/2 cups Milk powder ( I used non fat dry milk) --You might need more*
1/2 can of 14 oz Sweetened condensed milk
3tbsp of Mango pulp/ Puree
1/4tsp nutmeg powder
1/4tsp cardamom powder
Some granulated sugar to roll the Pedhas

1) Mix together milk powder, butter,condensed milk,nutmeg,cardamom,mango etc in microwave safe big bowl
2) Microwave for 3-4 minutes total. After every minute stir the mixture. *If the mixture doesn't thicken in 4 mintues, add a little more milk powder and microwave another minute.Keep doing this till it is thick.
The mixture will fluff up in the microwave as it is cooking. It will thicken as it is cooked. Remember to stir every minute!
3) After it thicken enough to roll in to Pedhas, let it cool. Make into small Pedhas.
4) Roll into granulated sugar lightly. Store in the refrigerator.


  1. These were the yummiest pedhas I ever ate... Loved them. Thanks for posting this delicious and easy-to-make recipe.

    1. I am glad you liked it!!! Thanks for visiting TheSizzlingPan:)
