Thursday, February 28, 2013

'Carrot Halwa Bites' / Carrot Halwa Burfi

Have you ever tasted a 'something' which looked like 'something' but tasted like the 'other thing' in just 'one bite' ??? I did yesterday!!! I tasted  the "Gajar ka Halwa"(Carrot Halwa) with a texture of a 'chewy Badami halwa' the "Carrot halwa burfi" that I made yesterday:)
Now let me be frank... I am still to get the whole "Sugar syrup"  consistency thing-- one string syrup, two string syrup etc, for traditional Indian sweets, under my belt.
 I start out by having something in mind...and end up with a different texture. But this time it wasn't so resembled the chewiness of the 'Badami halwa" but tasted like "Gajar halwa" !! LOL!!

Ingredients: Makes 25-30 burfi pieces
2 Cups Milk powder( I used non fat dry milk powder) + some more
1 cup sugar
6tsp Ghee + little to grease a pan
1/2 cup finely grated carrots
1/2cup All purpose flour
1/2cup Powdered sugar
1/2tsp cardamon powder
1/4tsp nutmeg powder
1/4tsp saffron
Chopped Pistachios

1) Heat 5tsp ghee in  a nonstick pan . Add the all purpose flour.Fry for few seconds.Add the milk powder and warm it through, while stirring constantly. Don't let it brown/ burn.Take off the heat and keep aside.
2) Heat 1tsp ghee, fry the grated carrots for 1 min.Keep aside.
3) Take 1 cup sugar in a pan,add enough water just to cover it.Add the cardamon,saffron and nutmeg. Let it boil for 7-9 mins till syrup reaches "one string consistency" ( when a syrup drop is stretched between 2 fingers..single string is formed)
4) Add the grated carrots, milk powder, all purpose flour.Stir till it thickens up. ( Add little more milk powder if necessary)Once it thickens add the powdered sugar.
5) Apply butter to a pan. Spread the above mixture onto the pan.Flatten with buttered spatula/ bowl
6) Spread the chopped pistachios on top.
7) Let it cool, then cut into squares with buttered knife.
8) Keep in refrigerator to harden more. Carefully take out each square ( if its sticky, use a buttered spoon)

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