Monday, March 4, 2013

Avocado Parathas

Everyone has heard the buzz about the 'Health benefits of Avocados' and want to incorporate more of them in their diets. Though they are a 'high fat vegetable'(85% of its calories come from fat)...don't you worry...they are "Good for you fats". Here is the link to know more about  health benefits of Avocados:
I love to eat the form of "Gaucamole"...with chopped onions, tomatoes, green chilies, cilantro and squeeze of lemon juice....Spread on the baked Tostitos or even better.... "Microwave toasted Papad"!!!

The other day, my friend "Soniya Keskar" gave me a brilliant idea of making "Avocado Parathas". Since both "E" and "A" are not huge avocado fans...this was a great way to incorporate it in their diet!!
The parathas came out really soft due to the 'fats' in the avocados and looked slight 'yellowish-green' with tiny specks of avocados and cilantro.

2 cups Whole wheat flour
1 'medium- ripe' avocado
1/4 cup chopped cilantro
1tsp Red chili powder ( add more or less)
1/2tsp cumin seeds
1/4tsp Garlic paste
1 green chili finely chopped
water if needed

1) Slit the avocado length wise. Twist both halves in opposite direction. Take out the seeds. Scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Scrap all the 'green' flesh near the skin too.The healthy goodness lies in here!
2) Mash the avocado with your hands.Add the rest of the ingredients and make into a "chapati like dough'. Add little water if needed to make the dough. No need to add oil.The avocado already has 'fats' to make the parathas soft. Keep the dough aside for 30 mins.
3) Knead the dough again and roll out into parathas. Roast the parathas on a heated 'tava'
4) Serve hot along with Chutney/ Pickle/ Ketchup or Gaucamole!!

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