Popular Recipes

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

"Food For Thought"- Saute your food

Everyday,'M' gets 'tip' through his work email about 'Healthy living'.The tips come through 'CCHL" i.e Cayuga Center for Healthy Living.
Just today he forwarded me this tip about 'Sauteing Food".I thought it was helpful and worth to share with everyone.
Do you enjoy your veggies sautéed in a little oil? If so, you can keep
calories and fat down by using oil sparingly. All cooking oils are
high in calories, approximately 125 calories per tablespoon. When
sautéing, heat the oil to a searing-hot cooking temperature before
adding veggies to your skillet. Doing so will decrease the amount of
oil the veggies absorb. Consider using canola oil. It is low in
saturated fat, has more omega-3s than other vegetable oils, and it
does well with high-temperature cooking.

Isn't Chinese food supposed to be made this way....cooked on really high temperature...so that the veggies are seared on outside but remain crisp?
But I have also noticed that it appears oily at times.Is it because the food doesn't absorb that much oil when cooked with this method and remains in the pan...or is it cooked incorrectly using excess oil?
What do you think?

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